Jerin Philip


I like working with computers. Consequently I spend a lot of time in front of screen(s), mostly writing code to solve problems, or figuring out how-to. Other times, I'm watching movies and TV Shows. I also happen to like building things from scratch, fixing broken stuff, DIY and that sort.

I graduated an integrated Masters programme in Computer Science and Engineering from IIIT Hyderabad. My masters thesis advised by C.V. Jawahar and Vinay P. Namboodiri was on Neural Machine Translation (NMT) for Indian Languages. I spent some time at NAVER LABS Europe as a research intern investigating parameter efficient NMT supervised by Matthias Gallé, Laurent Besacier and Alexandre Bérard. I was formerly affiliated with the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh as part of the Bergamot Project, supervised by Kenneth Heafield. I am responsible for some of the code that runs on Mozilla Firefox's on-device machine translation addon. Following this, I spent almost a year at ThirdAI, in Bengaluru.

I am currently in Bielefeld, Germany working again adjacent computer vision and graphics in Helge Rhodin's group.

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