While working on bergamot-translator, one feature I was tasked with implementing was a translation flow using pivoting. This post is an account of the implementation of the pivoting feature - traversing math I’m to date still not certain of, hacking one thing after another together effectively engineering a feature shipped and running in about 300k installations now.

The idea is simple - given a source language \(ss\) translate to a target language \(tt\), through a pivot language \(pp\). Given how history put us in an anglocentric position, there happens to be a lot of parallel-data between English and other languages of the world, than between other pairs. Sentence aligned parallel data aligned drives machine-translation and this consequently meant the existence of a lot of \(ss \rightarrow en\) models and \(en \rightarrow tt\) models. Consequently pivoting through English to obtain \(ss \rightarrow tt\) remains a prevalent strategy in the field of machine-translation. At the time, the Bergamot Project stood in agreement with its model inventory.

The text part of pivoting is straight-forward. However, one critical-piece to keeping a user-facing HTML translation feature functional was obtaining alignments between the source and target properly. Critical, because the HTML translation feature relied on working alignment information to place tags correctly when matching-tokens in source and target moved around. HTML translation feature was ready with vanilla-translation without pivoting and using alignments. For the pivoting case, attention matrices providing alignments for source to pivot and pivot to target was available separately.

Using these to obtain source to target alignments wasn’t straightforward (at least to me, back then). So I’ve decided this warrants a post, albeit a bit late.


Marian, the library bergamot-translator is built on top of uses an additional loss formulated using attention to additionally learn alignments between source and target tokens. During training, a guided alignment loss is added to the objective that uses alignment information as a training signal. A tool matching tokens in source to tokens in target from raw-corpus like fastalign can provide alignments that can be used as ground-truths. At inference, the attention values will predict the expected alignments. Note that this is different from learning to align, the network is forced to learn to align to certain ground truths from alignment data here. More on this process can be found in Chen et al. (2016).

Illustrations visualizing attention are often attached as qualitative samples demonstrating attention’s efficacy. The render below comes from something I repurposed with borrowed source from distill.pub.

Translating German to English: Alignments via attention

Translating German to English: Alignments via attention

The above illustration also provide hints to underlying data, and data-structures. The initiated should immediately recognize the tokens (on source and target) can be modelled as nodes and the arrows modelled as weighted edges between source and target tokens.

In code, we have an adjacency-matrix describing the probabilities / scores matching a source-token with a target-token.


As mentioned before, the idea is simple - given a source language \(ss\) translate to a target language \(tt\), through a pivot language \(pp\). To get a hang of the elements involved in a translation from German to Italian via English as pivot, see illustrations below.

German to English

German to English

English to Italian

English to Italian

We have two adjacency matrices in-play here, one with scores for source-pivot pair and the other with scores for pivot-target pair. For simplicity’s sake, we’ll first try to come up with a formulation and algorithm for the case when the pivot tokens match (i.e same vocabulary) and matrix multiplication is straighforward.

Same vocabulary

Let the tokens involved in pivoting be \(S, P, T\) denoting source, pivot and target respectively.

\[\begin{align*} S = \{s_i\} &= \{s_1, s_2, \dots \} \\ P = \{q_j\} &= \{q_1, q_2, \dots \} \\ T = \{t_k\} &= \{t_1, t_2, \dots \} \end{align*}\]

These tokens do not necessarily correspond to the notion of words. Note that I am using \(q_j\) to represent the pivot sequence \(P\) so as to not confuse with probabilities used in this document, denoted by \(p(\cdot)\).

From alignments coming out of the decoding pipeline, we obtain a probability for each source-token \(s_i\) over the target token \(t_j\). We will use \(p(s_i | t_j)\) to denote this in this post. For each target-token \(t_j\) we have a probability distribution spread over source-tokens \(S\).

We know the values \(p(s_i | q_j)\), \(p(q_j | t_k)\) at inference as some form of attention/alignment from the constituent neural network. I will cook up the math below to get the required \(p(s_i | t_k)\):

\[\begin{align} p(s_i | t_k) &= \sum_{j}{p(s_i, q_j| t_k)} \label{eq:marginalize-pivot} & \text{Marginalization(?)} \\ &= \sum_{j}{{p(s_i| q_j, t_k) \cdot p(q_i | t_k) }} & \text{Bayes rule(?)} \\ p(s_i | t_k) &= \sum_{j}{{p(s_i | q_j)\cdot p(q_j | t_k) }} & \text{Independence(?)} \end{align}\]

In an ideal case, if we assume the pivot tokens constituting the pivot sentence are same, we have a \(|S| \times |P|\) matrix and a \(|P| \times |T|\) matrix. The above formulation in implementation translates to a matrix multiplication, of matrices containing attention values coming out of the source to pivot and pivot to target translation processes. Not sure if the above math is sound, I’m mostly working backwards from a gut feeling that I have two attention matrices, multiplying them should give me the required probabilities.

This matrix-multiplication is implemented in bergamot-translator here. The implementation makes an additional hop, due to the vocabularies being different. We will discuss this in detail next.

Different vocabularies

In reality, it’s not as simple as above. Due to historical reasons, the \(ss \rightarrow pp\) and \(pp \rightarrow tt\) models happen to be be using different sets of vocabularies. If we take a closer look at the diagrams above, we see \(P\) and \(P'\) are different. See an extract below. The tokens are space separated.

[S ] Der heutige Artikel in Wikipedia , der freie En zy klo pä die .
[P ] To day ' s article in Wikipedia , the free en cycl o pedia .
[P'] Today ' s article in Wikipedia , the free e ncy clo pedia .
[T ] L ' articolo di oggi su Wikipedia , l ' en ciclo pedia libera .

The previous formulation was convenient in our application of NMT case when the vocabulary used to represent the language \(pp\) is consistent giving us \(S \leftarrow P\) and \(P \leftarrow T\). To obtain the probabilities in the inconsistent case, we can use the knowledge that vocabularies match at character or byte level. Both vocabularies describe the same underlying text-surface.

Updating the formulation to include inconsistent pivot vocabularies, we get:

\[\begin{align*} S = \{s_i \} &= \{s_1, s_2, \dots \} \\ P = \{q_j \} &= \{q_1, q_2, \dots \} \\ P' = \{q'_{j'}\} &= \{q'_1, q'_2, \dots \} \\ T = \{t_k \} &= \{t_1, t_2, \dots \} \\ \end{align*}\]

The old math remains valid, but requires some reinterpretation. We will start from the formulation we already have.

\[\begin{align} p(s_i | t_k) &= \sum_{j}{{p(s_i | q_j)\cdot p(q_j | t_k) }} \\ \end{align}\]

Both \(q'_{j'}\) and \(q_j\) describe a surface in the same underlying string, which overlaps to some extent. We can use this information to proportionately assign probabilities of \(q'_{j'}\) to the characters, and reinterpret them in terms of \(q_j\).

\[\begin{align*} p(q_j | t_j) &= \sum_{q'_{j'}}{\mathrm{overlap}(q_j, q'_{j'}) \cdot p(q'_{j'} | t_j)} \\ \mathrm{overlap}(q_j, q'_{j'}) &= \dfrac{\lvert q_j \cap q'_{j'} \rvert}{\lvert q'_{j'} \rvert} \\ \end{align*}\]


I have cooked up a lot of math, now how do I validate it? Thankfully this is grounded in a real use-case. I can try and do German to English to Italian, but the weird thing is I don’t speak/read the source and target languages. I came up with the not-so-standard but useful use-case of translating English to Estonian to English doing the round-trip.

The above process is textbook definition of lost in translation. When translating through an intermediate language, some information is lost (or added). Some corruption to the tokens happen. However, should the alignment formulations and engineering be sound the scores should correspond for the tokens surviving lost in translation.

Armed with the above, I filtered out the top-scores and printed them on the console during development. Find some output from the time of development below (click to expand).

Sample #1

> The Bergamot project will add and improve client-side machine translation in a web browser.
< The Bergamot project will add and improve the translation of the client-side machine into a web browser.

The The=0.955146
 Berg  Berg=0.826679
amo amo=0.995598
t t=0.975599
 project  project=0.955401
 will  will=0.912722
 add  add=0.623312
 and  and=0.941392
 improve  improve=0.710752
 translation  the=0.21632
 translation  translation=0.636088
-  of=0.396329
 machine  the=0.685785
 machine  client=0.437611
 client -=0.627738
 client side=0.621546
 machine  machine=0.720943
 in  into=0.888125
 a  a=0.951628
 web  web=0.778772
row  b=0.541725
ser row=0.273472
ser ser=0.293319
. .=0.925082
 will =0.0982262

Sample #2

> Unlike current cloud-based options, running directly on users’ machines empowers citizens to preserve their privacy and increases the uptake of language technologies in Europe in various sectors that require confidentiality.
< Unlike current cloud-based options, working directly on user machines allows citizens to preserve their privacy and increases the adoption of language technologies in Europe in various sectors that require confidentiality.

Unlike Unlike=0.695362
 options  current=0.526343
 cloud  cloud=0.808333
based -=0.519486
based based=0.494906
 options  options=0.726565
, ,=0.953748
 running  working=0.639273
 directly  directly=0.927166
 on  on=0.712787
 users  user=0.304554
 machines  machines=0.624575
 empower  allows=0.385191
 citizens  citizens=0.503892
 to  to=0.443355
 preserve  preserve=0.797836
 their  their=0.776323
 privacy  privacy=0.942544
 and  and=0.947178
 increases  increases=0.786974
 the  the=0.646595
take  adoption=0.835365
 of  of=0.510325
 language  language=0.873498
 technologies  technologies=0.815092
 in  in=0.853544
 Europe  Europe=0.7521
 in  in=0.87099
 various  various=0.948102
 sectors  sectors=0.864905
 that  that=0.706083
 require  require=0.929663
 confidentiality  confidentiality=0.754831
. .=0.937042
 options =0.068332

Sample #3

> Free software integrated with an open-source web browser, such as Mozilla Firefox, will enable bottom-up adoption by non-experts, resulting in cost savings for private and public sector users who would otherwise procure translation or operate monolingually.
< Free software integrated with an open source web browser, such as Mozilla Firefox, will allow the adoption from the bottom up by non-experts, resulting in cost savings for public and private sector users who would otherwise acquire translation or operate monolinguily.

Free Free=0.56728
 software  software=0.62599
 integrated  integrated=0.883837
 with  with=0.947031
 an  an=0.839987
 open  open=0.754714
source  source=0.690299
 web  web=0.729925
row  b=0.353977
ser row=0.299766
ser ser=0.309285
, ,=0.813261
 as  such=0.704488
 as  as=0.557725
 Mo  Mo=0.860583
z z=0.997161
illa illa=0.978077
 Fire  Fire=0.983289
fo fo=0.996755
x x=0.99419
, ,=0.851676
 enable  will=0.72535
 enable  allow=0.251865
 adoption  the=0.261452
 adoption  adoption=0.643473
 bottom  from=0.282512
 bottom  the=0.456695
 bottom  bottom=0.460874
up  up=0.47468
 by  by=0.623741
 non  non=0.832823
 non -=0.305707
expert expert=0.71779
 non s=0.252237
, ,=0.891577
 resulting  resulting=0.386231
 in  in=0.745363
 cost  cost=0.685577
 savings  savings=0.798135
 for  for=0.787879
 private  public=0.50413
 private  and=0.594041
 private  private=0.719888
 users  sector=0.415775
 users  users=0.790084
 who  who=0.679675
 would  would=0.659394
 otherwise  otherwise=0.823563
 procure  acquire=0.834951
 translation  translation=0.743358
 or  or=0.935836
 operate  operate=0.720217
 mono  mono=0.744872
ling ling=0.626815
ual u=0.684935
ly ily=0.676535
. .=0.69808j
ly =0.0632002

Sample #4

> Bergamot is a consortium coordinated by the University of Edinburgh with partners Charles University in Prague, the University of Sheffield, University of Tartu, and Mozilla.
< Bergamot is a consortium coordinated by the University of Edinburgh with partners from Charles University in Prague, the University of Sheffield, the University of Tartu and Mozilla.

Berg Berg=0.994895
amo amo=0.991532
t t=0.967724
 is  is=0.888633
 a  a=0.894048
 consortium  consortium=0.868016
 coordinated  coordinated=0.773978
 by  by=0.935519
 the  the=0.738964
 University  University=0.929871
 of  of=0.946889
 Edinburgh  Edinburgh=0.936051
 with  with=0.817898
 partners  partners=0.867468
 Charles  from=0.216679
 Charles  Charles=0.731952
 University  University=0.624898
 in  in=0.875768
 Prague  Prague=0.87894
, ,=0.938541
 the  the=0.589038
 University  University=0.910463
 of  of=0.902571
 She  She=0.881999
f f=0.992118
field field=0.992631
, ,=0.842823
 University  the=0.517793
 University  University=0.835048
 of  of=0.89574
 Tar  Tar=0.918662
tu tu=0.947869
 and  and=0.821724
 Mo  Mo=0.884175
z z=0.972944
illa illa=0.993525
. .=0.926998
 University =0.0469722

Turns out, the tokens match most of the time strong when they’re same. The implementation works as intended!

The implementation of the above reinterpretation for vocabulary mismatch is available here. This code in action, through the alignments visualization pipeline I get the following render:

German to Italian: alignments after corrections following pivoting.

German to Italian: alignments after corrections following pivoting.

Arrows appear to be pointing in the right direction as well. libera corresponds to freie - this is one case where corresponding tokens have moved around to a different position in translation. The force looks strong between the nodes in the cluster forming enciclopedia and Enzyklopädie. Artikel and articolo, Wikipedia and Wikipedia looks strong as well.

The test-in-the wild for this piece of code is transferring links and formatting in inline-text. So if you find yourself using Mozilla Firefox’s offline translation addon and the links and formatting like bold/italic etc transferring from source HTML to target HTML for non-English pairs accurately, this post is an excuse for an explanation why.


Wenhu Chen, Evgeny Matusov, Shahram Khadivi, and Jan-Thorsten Peter. 2016. Guided alignment training for topic-aware neural machine translation. arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.01628.